kort fortelling om før og nå (eller, vi skal nok få en slutt på det, sammen)

september 9, 2012 § Legg igjen en kommentar

… a few chosen pages from:

Pages from old schoolbooks that are altered by sanding and scraping away everything except the page number, an illustration, and a few chosen words. Matthew Cusick.

Bøker …

april 29, 2012 § Legg igjen en kommentar

slik de ikke lages lenger. Snart er de borte for alltid, forsvinner. En etter en blir de til støv, eller reddes kan hende i biblioteker de mest standhaftige av oss holder, eller som innhold, – kanskje, i ett-tall og nuller i en uhåndgripelig dimensjon der ingenting lukter av papir eller skinn eller støv. Jeg er glad jeg levde i bok-tiden.


mars 18, 2012 § Legg igjen en kommentar

The Beat Generation, that was a vision that we had, John Clellon Holmes and I, and Allen Ginsberg in an even wilder way, in the late Forties, of a generation of crazy, illuminated hipsters suddenly rising and roaming America, serious, bumming and hitchhiking everywhere, ragged, beatific, beautiful in an ugly graceful new way—a vision gleaned from the way we had heard the word «beat» spoken on street corners on Times Square and in the Village, in other cities in the downtown city night of postwar America—beat, meaning down and out but full of intense conviction. We’d even heard old 1910 Daddy Hipsters of the streets speak the word that way, with a melancholy sneer. It never meant juvenile delinquents, it meant characters of a special spirituality who didn’t gang up but were solitary Bartlebies staring out the dead wall window of our civilization…

skrev Jack Kerouac i «Aftermath: The Philosophy of the Beat Generation»

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